晙红™ Jun Red™ NIC - The Mini-Registry and DNS system of jhTLD
Greeting, Welcome to Jun Hong Red Industry, The root of undefined.
Salve! 欢迎来到 晙红, 这里是 undefined 之原。
Jun.Red™ NIC is the creative private TLD(Top-level domain) and registry of JH.W
(Harold, undefined) which is also severing for his perfectly paired domains:
Red Nest(TM) and Dragon AX(TM).
Jun.Red™ 注册局
是 JH.W 的私人专用迷你二级顶级域名(jhTLD,类似com.cn/cn.com)系统和 DNS 系统,同时是他双龙珠域名的NIC子系统
红巢(nest.red) 和 斧龙(dragon.ax)。
Descendants: wu.jun.red, harold.jun.red, me.jun.red, home.jun.red, dragon.jun.red, nut.jun.red, bean.jun.red | Object-NIC: nic.jun.red, nic.nest.red
Contact(合作联系): JH.W | Email: info#jun.red, info#xbean.net.
Copyright(C) Bean Private Digital Assets Proprietary. | Hong is Red, Red is Hong